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ANNOUNCEMENT: is Getting Started

Let's talk about Closure's WHY.

Why are we launching Closure? The simple answer is this: we want to make the world better.

We recognize that the world is broken. Life can be difficult. And painful. And none of us are perfect. But we know one man who is—Jesus, the Messiah. We want the world to know Him. We want people to find peace through a resolute faith in Him. With His blessing, we hope to bring closure to the big questions He created us all to ask.

WHAT is Closure's mission?

Closure is on mission to share the awesome truth of the Messiah, His Word, and His World so that men and women can enjoy the peace of a resolute faith.

HOW will Closure do this? In 3 ways.

1) Licensing and sharing awesome, helpful content.

There are A LOT of interesting films, documentaries, series, and books that have been produced and then lost in obscurity. Or simply tucked behind a paywall. Our goal is to curate a collection of some of these gems and to make them widely and easily accessible at no cost.

2) Producing and sharing awesome, helpful content.

We have A LOT of questions, and we love hunting down answers. Our goal is to create the videos we want to see! Informative exegesis from trustworthy experts. Bold truth that cuts against cultural lies. Insights into the world we live in that point to God's character and Word.

3) Developing the Bible app you've always wanted.

You know that one Bible website you like for referencing a verse? And that other one that's better for reading chapters in? Of course, you've gotta grab a hard copy to check your favorite commentary. And where do you go to find out how the New Testament authors drew from the apocryphal book of Enoch? Wouldn't it be nice to have it all in one app? We agree.
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